Dakota Worldwide

Dakota Worldwide Announces Quarterly Population Estimates

By on Mar 23, 2016 in Press Releases, Uncategorized |

Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 1, 2010 – Dakota Worldwide in conjunction with Synergos Technologies has announced the release of the 2010 2nd quarter population forecasts by block group for the US.

Elliott Olson in collaboration with Robert Welch of Synergos Technologies state that the reason they started doing their own estimates is because the conventional methods did not have the small area accuracy that their clients in the petroleum, restaurant, pharmacy grocery, banking and mass merchandising needed to stay ahead of competition. In addition clients doing statistical analysis on their customer and trade areas really needed more accurate population and income data to reduce the static levels in the analysis process.

We really saw the shortcomings of the traditional approaches when we compared the 2000 actual with the 2000 estimates. We knew there had to be a better way and we found it. Growth can now be pinpointed to smaller and more precise areas than has been previously possible. Olson stated, “This dog can hunt.”

Greater accuracy is achieved with a proprietary bottom-up methodology. We start at the lowest level of geography possible-ZIP+4- and move up the ladder of standard US Census Bureau geography. ZIP+4 works well because it is extremely detailed with over 28 million records, covers all major population centers, can be statistically adjusted and can be aggregated into any geography necessary. Since ZIP+4 is specific to a group of houses (typically 4 to 12) or a building, we can literally see structures come “on line” as they are finished being built and occupied or in some cases demolished. We use a series of checks and balances to validate our results by consulting with other state and federal agencies whose data is independently gathered. Since our method and controls stem from entirely different sources we are able to provide the most unbiased estimate possible.

Dakota Worldwide Corporation is the nations foremost authority in market analysis and is the number one provider of market analysis software for the supermarket industry. Synergos Technologies is an Austin Texas based desktop mapping consultancy and developer of software data and demographic tools. STI’s product line includes several innovative desktop-mapping tools created by the company’s developers.

More information on the quarterly updates can be obtained by contacting Dakota World Wide at 1-800-475-4505, or by email at e.olson@dakotaww.com

Dakota Worldwide Corporation
4801 West 81st Street, Suite 105
Minneapolis, MN 55437