Dakota Worldwide Services
Market Analysis includes specific services such as Site Location Analysis/Sales Projections, Acquisition Analysis, Competitive Analysis and other related services.
Consumer Research offers several products to fit your specific need. Consumer ViewSM surveys, 800 Consumer ViewSM surveys, Consumer ViewSM Online, Image WaveSM studies and Consumer Needs AnalysisSM – all provide reliable, actionable information.
Strategic Planning for optimizing your store network requires a close working relationship. Developing and implementing a plan may encompass any combination of our services and areas of expertise.
Customer Origin studies visually illustrate and mathematically quantify where a store’s customers live or work. Call 800-475-4505 for details.
Mapping Services present information visually to help understand data and statistics. Overviews of individual trade areas or any level of geography display demographics, competition, market shares, potential and/or other data.
Demographic Information reports show various characteristics of population such as income, sex and age by block group, census tracts, trade areas or other levels of geography.